Chartable vs. Voxalyze Comparison

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Voxalyze vs. Chartable
A side-by-side comparison

Chartable and Voxalyze are two leading podcast analytics providers used by major podcast publishers. Both offer distinct sets of features that will satisfy publishers with different needs. Which tool should you use? The answer depends on your specific use case. Are you an independent creator or a large media organization? Do you prefer simple or advanced analytics? Do you run paid aids to promote your podcasts? Do you care more about boosting your on-platform visibility or finding podcasters to partner with?

Follow the guide to help you determine the right solution for you.

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About Chartable




Chartable is a pioneer of podcast analytics and attribution. It was founded in 2017 when its founders, Harish Agarwal and Dave Zohrob, noticed that the data provided by podcast hosting services was insufficient to understand their download numbers’ ups and downs.

The service has gained popularity thanks to its famous podcast charts and remained the podcast analytics category leader* until August 2022. Chartable has released several industry-firsts, such as SmartLinks, SmartPromos, and SmartAds.

Chartable released its latest feature in January 2022. Shortly after, it was announced that Spotify had acquired the service. In March 2022, founder Dave Zohrob announced the team would be “shifting [its] focus to building world-class publisher tools as part of the Megaphone platform.”
Since then, Chartable has sunsetted two key features: SmartAds and Apple Podcasts Connect.


*Top podcast tracking services by new episode share. Source:


Key differentiating features


SmartPromos (Pro Tier and above)


Smart Promos enable podcast publishers to measure the effectiveness of promo swaps and ads they run on other podcasts. They are different from SmartLinks because listeners don’t interact with a link. For that reason, tracking works differently. Publishers wishing to use SmartPromos must provide information to Chartable, such as the show, episodes, and the period during which the promotion will run.


Chartable Connect


Chartable Connect is a networking tool for publishers. It’s a database of podcasts that users can query to find guest-speaking and promo swap opportunities. You can directly contact podcast owners without leaving Chartable.


Spotify Audience Data


As a Spotify company, Chartable provides Spotify audience data directly in its interface. Note that publishers can also access that data by logging into their Spotify for Podcasters (link) account. You can find our article on how to get the most out of your Spotify data here.

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About Voxalyze




Voxalyze was founded in Berlin in 2021. The founders, Alexis Hue and Marian Zange, realized that podcast publishers lacked a tool to understand and take control of their on-platform visibility. The co-founder of Adjust, a leading European mobile measurement company, is one of Voxalyze’s early backers. Voxalyze prides itself on its independence, guaranteeing no data is shared with podcast platforms.

Since launching Visibility Analytics, Voxalyze has released two major features: Audience and Promotion Analytics. This suite of essential tools provides leading media companies with the podcast analytics stack they need to understand and grow their podcast audiences.

Our clients include household names such as the BBC, the Telegraph, the Guardian, and many more.

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Key differentiating features


Deep Analytics


Though both Voxalyze and Chartable offer audience and promotion analytics, the levels of detail, flexibility, and ability to customize reports differ.

Here’s a side-by-side dashboard comparison:

General view


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As you can see on the right-hand side, Voxalyze’s strength lies in its filter system. You can explore all of your download data across 11 dimensions:

  • Time
  • Episode
  • Country
  • Region
  • Platform
  • Operating system
  • Device type

+ the 4 marketing dimensions.

Would you like to know how many people downloaded your last 10 episodes in the US on Spotify? That information is easily available in a couple of clicks.

Promotion Analytics


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Images courtesy of Chartable



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When it comes to Promotion Analytics, Chartable and Voxalyze differ in how much information they can store about your marketing campaigns.

Chartable has one dimension: the source ID. Consequently, you can store one piece of information about users who clicked on SmartLinks. Voxalyze works more like Google Analytics. It can capture four dimensions. What does that translate to in real life?

  • Chartable can tell you how many downloads were generated by your email list. Voxalyze will tell you exactly what newsletter they clicked on.
  • Chartable can tell you how many users listened to one of your episodes after clicking on a Facebook post. Voxalyze will tell you exactly which post.
  • Chartable will tell you how many users came from Meta Ads. Voxalyze will tell you exactly what campaign, what ad set and what ad.
  • etc.

Podcast creators who function as a one-person team will appreciate Chartable’s simplicity. Audience development professionals at media companies will love the granularity, deep insights, and marketing budget efficiency gains Voxalyze can unlock for them.



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Image courtesy of Chartable


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Voxalyze geo report was designed to be flexible and dynamic. You’re not just looking at static data. You can zoom in on a country and drill down to region and city-level data in only 2 clicks.


Event Feed


Voxalyze’s event feed gives you a quasi-real-time view of your listeners and their behavior. Who is listening? Where are they located? What episodes do they consume? This feature is very helpful in spotting binge-listeners.

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Podcast Visibility Analytics


Podcast Visibility Optimization, or PVO, is about capturing free search volume on podcast apps. Voxalyze quickly recognized the need to give podcast publishers the tools to identify audience growth opportunities. As exemplified in our case studies (Link), PVO should be part of the podcast marketing strategy of all publishers in 2023 and beyond.

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Enterprise features


Voxalyze puts its product development focus on the needs of major media companies. 

  • Advanced data querying: query your data via API or directly export fully enriched event data to your data warehouse.
  • Unified Analytics: listeners consume your content on your website, your app, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and other third-party apps. How can you know how many downloads an episode generated across all these platforms? Voxalyze’s multi-app tracking gives you the complete picture.
  • Fine-grained permission control: create groups based on roles and give your employees and freelancers access on a show-by-show basis
[us_text text=”Conclusion” tag=”h2″][us_separator]

Chartable and Voxalyze both offer unique sets of tools and features that will fulfill the needs and expectations of different types of users.

Creators will like Chartable’s free plan, simplicity, charts, and podcaster matchmaking features.

Voxalyze shines thanks to its podcast visibility tool and its advanced analytics dashboard. Major media companies will love the audience growth and podcast marketing efficiencies Voxalyze can unlock for them.

Finally, it is important to note that you can use Chartable’s and Voxalyze’s tracking prefixes in parallel. The technical implementation is uncomplicated. If you are unsure which option is the best for you, we encourage you to test-drive both products for a month or two and make your own opinion.

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