We’re excited to release our first-ever German podcast visibility ranking! If you are new to this format, our visibility rankings put a spotlight on the shows that do the best job at capturing search volume in podcast app platforms.
To access past rankings and find out more about our methodology and sources, click here. Our analysis of the German February ranking can be found below the infographic.
Why Doppelgänger Tech Talk dominates the ranking
In this section, we’re going to talk a lot about podcast metadata. If you need a refresher, be sure to read our ultimate guide to optimizing your metadata.
Clocking in at 1152 characters, DTT’s show description has a decent length and includes a decent amount of relevant keywords but could be expanded. The limit here is 4000 characters. That’s a lot of unexploited prime real estate that could be leveraged to consolidate their top position.
Where DTT really shines is the heavy use of keywords in episode titles. The team inserts all major topics discussed in the title of each episode. This could be construed as keyword stuffing, but the clever use of emojis as separators between each topic really helps human users grasp what the episode is going to be about in a split second.
The episode descriptions, though not particularly long (150 words in the episodes sampled), always include the timestamps with each subject matter discussed. This is great for two reasons. First, it makes for a great user experience, letting people skip to the most interesting parts. Second, the repeated use of keywords in the episode title and description helps increase the relevancy. This is similar to how Google’s algorithm tends to favor content that includes the target keyword in the title tag and in the first paragraph of the body.
The great absence
I noticed something strange when I compared the German ranking with our 2022 US ranking.
2 sports shows made it into the top 10 in the US compared to 0 in Germany.
Given the status and importance of sports in Germany, especially soccer, I was quite surprised to see this. So I decided to investigate.
As it turns out, many of the German sports podcasts that currently top the charts are absent from this ranking because of one or a combination of these issues:
– No episode descriptions (Kicker News)
– Very short show description (Motorsport-Magazin, Kicker News)
– Absence from one platform (Karim & Ben machen Auge, Verzockt – Das System Sportwetten, which are only available on Spotify)
– A (still) Limited number of episodes resulting in little indexable metadata (Fussballgötter, Unser Boris, Ball you need is love by ARD)
Want to capture podcast app search traffic but not sure how to optimize your podcast metadata? Sign up for our free podcast visibility mini-course!